Category: Community

All Season Off-Grid Tiny Homes near South River Ontario

What is the best way to keep busy during the Fall?

There are many fun and productive ways to keep busy during the fall season. Here are some ideas: Remember to take care of yourself and prioritize self-care during the fall season. Enjoy the cooler weather and the beautiful changing colors of the leaves.

Best practices for maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul

Here are some best practices for maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul: Remember, everyone’s needs and preferences are unique, so find what works best for you and make it a part of your daily routine.

Best practices for making fertilizer for edible gardens

Making fertilizer for edible gardens involves creating a nutrient-rich soil that will support the growth and development of healthy plants. Here are some best practices to keep in mind: By following these best practices, you can create a nutrient-rich fertilizer that will help your edible garden thrive.

What are the best forms of exercise in Fall?

The best forms of exercise in the fall depend on your personal preferences and fitness level. However, here are some great options to consider: Ultimately, the best form of exercise in the fall is one that you enjoy and that fits into your schedule and fitness goals. So, choose an activity that you like and…
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How to be a better human

Remember, kindness is contagious. By being kind to others, you can inspire others to do the same and make the world a better place.

How to show appreciation

Showing appreciation can be done in several ways: BONUS TIP: Be nice!

What to do in Fall when living off-grid?

Living off-grid in the fall can be a unique and rewarding experience. Here are some suggestions for what to do during this season:

Toxic Food for Pets

Here are some examples of toxic foods that you should avoid feeding your pets: It’s important to remember that some human foods that are safe for us to eat can be toxic to pets. If you’re unsure about whether a particular food is safe for your pet, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian before…
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Safe food for Pets

When it comes to feeding your pets, it’s important to make sure that the food you give them is safe and healthy for them. Here are some guidelines to follow: By following these guidelines, you can ensure that you’re feeding your pet safe and healthy food.

How can recycling items be repurposed?

Recycling items can be repurposed in a number of ways. Here are a few examples: By repurposing, we can give a new lease of life to items that may have otherwise been discarded, reduce waste and contribute to a more sustainable future.

What are the best forms of exercise in Summer?

The best forms of exercise in summer are those that help you stay cool and hydrated while still allowing you to get a good workout. Here are some examples: Remember to stay hydrated, wear sunscreen, and take breaks in the shade to prevent heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

What are the healthiest fruits and vegetables?

There are many healthy fruits and vegetables, and including a variety of them in your diet can help provide a range of nutrients your body needs. Some of the healthiest fruits and vegetables include: Remember to always try to include a variety of fruits and vegetables in your diet, as different ones offer different benefits.

What are the quickest microgreens to grow?

There are several microgreens that are known for their fast growth and can be harvested in as little as 7 to 10 days after sowing. Here are some of the quickest microgreens to grow: These microgreens are relatively easy to grow and can be grown in small spaces, making them perfect for indoor gardening.

Raising chickens for meat and eggs

Raising chickens for meat and eggs is a popular and rewarding hobby for many people. Chickens are relatively easy to care for and provide a source of fresh eggs and meat. Here are some of the key steps to get started: With a little time and effort, raising chickens for meat and eggs can be…
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How to differentiate between edible and poisonous mushrooms

Identifying edible and poisonous mushrooms can be a challenge, as some toxic species resemble edible ones. Here are a few key points to keep in mind when trying to differentiate between them: It’s important to note that there is no foolproof method for identifying edible mushrooms, and even experienced foragers can make mistakes. When in…
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Natural methods to prevent weeds

Weeds can be a nuisance in gardens and lawns, but there are several natural methods to prevent them from growing. Here are a few: By using these natural methods, you can reduce the need for chemical weed killers and promote a healthier garden or lawn.

10 Best Fruits to Grow in Ontario

Overall, Ontario’s climate and soil provide an excellent environment for growing a wide variety of delicious fruits.

How to protect yourself from the elements in the Summer

Here are some tips to protect yourself from the elements during the summer: By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from the elements and enjoy the summer safely.

Tips when encountering a Bear

Tips when encountering a bear: It’s important to remember that every bear is different, and how you should react will depend on the specific situation. If you encounter a bear, it is always best to contact emergency Arcadia number or local wildlife authorities for guidance.

10 Best Vegetables to Grow in Ontario

Ontario, Canada has a diverse climate and soil types, which makes it possible to grow a wide range of vegetables. Here are the 10 best vegetables to grow in Ontario:

Vertical pod farming

Vertical pod farming, also known as vertical farming, is a method of growing crops in vertically stacked layers or on vertically inclined surfaces. It is a relatively new form of agriculture that involves using technology to create controlled environments for growing plants in urban areas. In vertical pod farming, plants are grown in stacked layers…
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Tips for protecting your garden from predators

By following these tips and being vigilant, you can keep your garden safe from predators and enjoy a bountiful harvest.


Microgreens are young vegetable greens that are grown from seeds and harvested just after sprouting. They are packed with vitamins, minerals, and flavor, making them a great addition to salads, sandwiches, and smoothies. Here are the steps to grow your own microgreens: Note: Keep in mind that different types of microgreens have different growth rates,…
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Growing your own food

Growing your own food is a wonderful and fulfilling experience. Not only does it give you fresh and delicious produce, but it also helps you connect with nature and improve your health. Whether you live in an urban area with a small balcony or a rural area with a large yard, you can grow your…
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Best practices for Composting

Composting is a process of decomposing organic matter to create a rich, soil-like substance known as compost. Here are some best practices for composting: By following these best practices, you can create a healthy and efficient compost system in your own backyard.

Basic Survival Skills

Basic survival skills include: These skills should be learned and practiced in a safe, controlled environment before being used in a survival situation.

First Aid Tips

Here are some basic first aid tips: Note: This is a general list and specific first aid may vary depending on the situation and severity of the injury or illness. It’s important to seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

How to be a good neighbor?

Being a good neighbor is essential to creating a harmonious and friendly community. Here are some tips to help you be a good neighbor: By following these tips, you can be a good neighbor and contribute to creating a happy and harmonious community.

Do’s and Don’ts for living in a rural area

Do’s: Don’ts: It’s important to be mindful of these dos and don’ts to live harmoniously with nature and the local community in a rural area.

What are the effects of gossip within a small Community?

Gossip can have negative effects within a small community, depending on the nature and content of the gossip and how it is received and acted upon by community members. Some possible effects of gossip within a small community include: Overall, the effects of gossip within a small community depend on how it is used and…
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Best practices for keeping your equipment running efficiently

By following these best practices, you can help extend the life of your equipment and minimize downtime, leading to increased productivity and cost savings.

Tips on recycling when living off-grid

Recycling when living off-grid can be a bit more challenging than when living in a more urban or suburban environment. However, with a little planning and effort, it is possible to minimize waste and maximize recycling when living off the grid. Here are some tips: Living off-grid doesn’t mean you can’t recycle. By reducing waste,…
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Off-grid Composting Toilets

Off-grid composting toilets are a type of toilet that does not rely on traditional sewage systems or water supply. Instead, they use a combination of natural processes to break down and transform human waste into compost that can be used as fertilizer for plants. Composting toilets work by providing an environment where natural bacteria and…
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Dehydrated food

Dehydrated food is food that has had most of its moisture removed through a drying process. This can be done through various methods such as sun-drying, oven-drying, or using a dehydrator. The main advantage of dehydrating food is that it extends its shelf life and makes it more convenient to store and transport. Some common…
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Food canning

Food canning is a preservation method that involves sealing food in airtight containers, such as jars, to prevent spoilage. The process involves heating the food to a high temperature to kill any bacteria, yeast, or mold that may cause spoilage, and then sealing it in a container to prevent the re-introduction of microorganisms. There are…
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What is an Unorganized Township?

An unorganized township refers to a geographic region in Canada that is not within the jurisdiction of any local government or municipality. This means that there is no local authority responsible for providing public services such as water and sewage, road maintenance, and waste management. An unorganized township doesn’t require building permits and there are…
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